In some instances, you may need to record that items in your inventory were paid by someone other than the customer who will be receiving the products. In these scenarios, there are two options to completing this transaction type. You might also donate items to an entity for their own use, at the bottom of this guide you will see the options available to record these.
Banquet/ Raffle Option 1
For Raffle's or Banquets one of the easiest solutions is to create the Raffle or the Banquet as a customer. This will allow you to use their account to record the sale of all of the items and create an invoice for the products.
You can create a Raffle or a Banquet as a customer by clicking on the + sign on the POS Screen, you will want to populate the first and last name, address and contact information.
If the products that are going to be purchased or donated to the Raffle or banquet are not serialized, you can scan each item into the cart, and complete the purchase using the Split All/Other Tender type and select House Account. This will remove the inventory from the system and create an invoice to be paid will all of the details. You can then pay for this balance via check or whatever method the Banquet or Raffle provides. This will immediately remove the inventory from the POS and you can then give each item to the individual who was awarded the product.
If the products are firearms, you can use the same method, but instead of selecting Start E4473 or Paper 4473 you will need to just click on the checkout option. This will allow you to proceed with the Split/All Other Tender Type and select House Account. Once the individuals who have been awarded the firearms come into the store, you will need to complete the E4473 or Paper 4473 in eBound manually. The firearm will have been removed from the POS after the transaction was completed, but it was not disposed.
Completing this step is imperative to ensuring that the Bound Book is accurately recording the disposition to the individual and not the entity.
Paper 4473 Disposition - Log in to eBound - Select Paper 4473 under Retail Transactions and fill in all required information.
E4473 - Log in to eBound - Select Start Section A - Select Serial Number - Provide the Keycode to the Customer - After the customer is completed with their portion of the form, you will need to proceed to Section C to complete the background check and disposition.
Keep in mind that if you use this method and for whatever reason the individual who completed the 4473 needs to return the product, you will need to make a correction to the bound book acquisition name and address. Since the transaction was completed using the Banquet or Raffle, this information will be used on the re-acquisition for the return. You can use the single correct tool to adjust this information.
Another option would be to turn off the integration to eBound (Only the POS Account Owner can do this) to complete the return. This will re-add the item back into inventory and will not record the re-acquisition into the bound book. You will then have to go to eBound and use the receive transaction to reacquire the firearm from the individual.
Banquet/ Raffle Option 2
You can individually sell gift cards for each items value and have them all paid for by the Banquet or Raffle. You can use the House Account with the Split/All Other Tender type to record the payment and then pay for that balance using the tender that they provide to you.
Donations can be easily recorded into the POS by using the Expense Account Tender under the Split / All Other tender type button. Whenever you are donating products to an entity you will want to create a customer profile for them by clicking on the + button in the POS. You will need to include a first and last name, address and contact information. Once the items have been added to the cart, you can use the Expense Account to record the sale of these items as an expense to the store without effecting the COGS or retail price for each item.
If the items that are being donated include firearms, you will need to complete the disposition using the individual who is taking the products out of the store. If they are not taking the firearms with them, but rather having the individuals come into the store to complete the paperwork you will need to follow the steps below.
Select the Customer profile that is established for this donation, add all products to the cart and select Split/All Other Tender Type and select Expense Account, you will receive a pop-up that says you need to complete a 4473, instead of selecting Start E4473 or Paper 4473 you will need to click on the checkout option. This will allow you to proceed with the transaction. Once the individuals who have been awarded the firearms come into the store, you will need to complete the E4473 or Paper 4473 in eBound manually. The firearm will have been removed from the POS after the transaction was completed, but it was not disposed.
Completing this step is imperative to ensuring that the Bound Book is accurately recording the disposition to the individual and not the entity.
Paper 4473 Disposition - Log in to eBound - Select Paper 4473 under Retail Transactions and fill in all required information.
E4473 - Log in to eBound - Select Start Section A - Select Serial Number - Provide the Keycode to the Customer - After the customer is completed with their portion of the form, you will need to proceed to Section C to complete the background check and disposition.
Keep in mind that if you use this method and for whatever reason the individual who completed the 4473 needs to return the product, you will need to make a correction to the bound book acquisition name and address. Since the transaction was completed using the Banquet or Raffle, this information will be used on the re-acquisition for the return. You can use the single correct tool to adjust this information.
Another option would be to turn off the integration to eBound (Only the POS Account Owner can do this) to complete the return. This will re-add the item back into inventory and will not record the re-acquisition into the bound book. You will then have to go to eBound and use the
receive transaction to reacquire the firearm from the individual.