Before you open your store (or start your shift if you have employee-designated cash drawers), you will need to count the cash you have in your drawer and tell Orchid POS the results.
At closing (or end of shift), you need to again count the cash in the drawer, confirm other payment types that came in during the day, and tell Orchid POS the results. You then compare what you told Orchid POS you have vs. what Orchid POS thinks you should have, to check for any variances.
To count your drawer in, out, and print end of day reports.
1. Go to the POS menu at the top of your Point of Sale home page then Count In/Out.
2. Select the Count In/Out link for the drawer you are counting for start or end of day.
For Start of Day or Count IN:
1. The screen will default to the Start of Day tab for the current date. This tab refers to the cash you have on hand at the beginning of the day.
2. You have to options for amount entry to the cash drawer:
3. Click the SAVE button to save your Start of Day / Cash entry.
For End of Day or Count OUT:
1. In your cash drawer click the Cash tab then End of Day:
2. Enter the amount of cash currently in your cash drawer. This should be the amount you started with plus all cash received during the day, before anything is removed for bank deposit or petty cash.
4. Proceed to the Variance tab to finalize your end of day procedures.