Creating and Managing eBound Books

Creating and Managing eBound Books

Creating your eBound Books

Note: Only Company Admin users may add, remove, and edit FFLs and eBound Books in the Manage FFLs transaction.
  1. Log in to the Orchid Software Portal using the credentials for your Company Admin account.
  2. Select Orchid eBound™, eBound Home in the vertical menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Select Manage FFLs under the Configuration heading.
  4. In the upper right hand corner, select the Add FFL button
    Add FFL Button
  5. The Add FFL pop up screen will now display. Fill in the following information:
    1. FFL No. Complete, 15 character FFL, no dashes or spaces
    2. FFL Expires This field will be automatically calculated using the date code in the FFL once the data is saved.
    3. Type Select the FFL Type from the dropdown menu
    4. FFL Name 50 Character Limit
    5. Address Physical, FFL Premises Address (NOT a P.O. Box)
    6. City
    7. State
    8. Zip
    9. Country
    10. Business Hours Required for Multiple Sales tracking. Multiple Sales Tracking will NOT function if left blank.
    11. A&D Book Name Name of the eBound Book
    12. Multiple Sales Reporting Information Agency information for reporting Multiple Sales
  6. Click Save to save Bound Book or click Cancel to exit without saving.  The Manage FFLs screen will now display.
  7. Continue this process until all FFLs and associated eBound Books have been entered.
NOTE: Even though you have successfully entered and saved your new eBound Book, nothing will display in the Manage FFLs screen.  Users MUST enable permissions for this eBound Book in order to Manage FFL and/or transact with this eBound Book.

Editing eBound Books

  1. Log in to the Orchid Software Portal using the credentials for your Company Admin account
  2. Select Orchid eBound, eBound Home in the vertical menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Select Manage FFLs under the Configuration heading.
  4. Click the Actions button next to the FFL you would like to make changes to, then select Edit from the dropdown menu
    Actions Menu
  5. The Edit FFL pop up screen will now display.  Make any necessary corrections and/or updates.  NOTE: If you are editing the FFL number to update the expiration date, the FFL Expires box will not update until the information is saved
  6. Click Save to save changes or click Cancel to cancel changes

Deleting eBound Books

NOTE: An A&D Book should NEVER be deleted unless the FFL is surrendering their FFL and they have exported the entirety of the A&D Book, and saves or printed a copy to deliver to ATF per ATF regulations.  If consolidating an A&D Book under an FFL to another A&D book under the same FFL, the user must perform all Dispositions from the one A&D Book to the other to close out all line items on the A&D Book that will no longer be used. The FFL must not delete the A&D Book which will now remain dormant as that would destroy traceability.
  1. Log in to the Orchid Software Portal using the credentials for your Company Admin account
  2. Select Orchid eBound, eBound Home in the vertical menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Select Manage FFLs under the Configuration heading.
  4. Click the Actions button next to the FFL you would like to delete, then select Delete FFL from the dropdown menu
    Actions Menu
  5. The Delete FFL pop up screen will now display.  To confirm deletion, select Yes. To cancel and close the window, select No.
NOTE: Once an A&D Book has been deleted, it cannot be recovered, and all data within the A&D Book will be lost.

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