This guide will walk you through the process of creating custom price levels and how to assign them to Memberships or Customer Profiles.
What are Price Levels?
Price levels are included on every single product in the POS. They are different tiers of Prices that you can assign to particular customers, or memberships, so they are not paying the full Retail Price for the products they are purchasing from you.
In the screenshot below you can see the different Price Levels that are available. Retail Price, Online Price, Minimum Price, Sale Price, Package Price and Preferred Customer Price are all hardcoded into the POS. Each of these can be configured by either manually entering in the number you wish to use in the Price Column. You can also customize the prices by using the fields from the table.
The Retail % Column will discount the Price by the percentage entered.
The MSRP Column will discount the MSRP Price by the percentage entered.
The MAP Column will discount the MAP Price entered by the percentage entered.
The Cost Mark Up will adjust the price to inflate that percentage by the Price listed in the Cost Field. (This must be over 100% to prevent a discount below Cost)
The Gross Margin Column will update the Price based on the Price entered into the Cost Field.
How do you create your custom Price Levels?
Go to Office > Back Office Settings > Price Levels.
There are three fields available. Define their names and click Update to save your changes.
After you have saved your custom names, you can set a default price formula to all New Products that are added into the POS through imports or through manually creating them.
How do you assign these price levels to a Customer Profile or Membership?
If you are looking to assign a Customer a Price Level that is not in a Membership you will need to navigate to the Loyalty Tab > Customers > And Search for that Customer.
Towards the bottom of the Customer Profile you will see an area called Discount Details, here is where you can select Price Level and assign which level you want that individual to receive. Make sure to click update to save this change.
For memberships, if you go to Loyalty > Memberships you can either create a new Membership or edit an Existing one after clicking search. In the membership details you will be able to assign
a discount level. Make sure to click update after making any changes.
How can my consumers receive this pricing on my website?
In order for your consumers to see the specific pricing on your website, you must navigate to your CPanel > Preferences and activate the Discount Level Toggle.
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