Click in the Sub Category Column and move to the Formula Bar, or Type Directly in Cell H2 - the formula will always be =Left or =Right and then the first Populated Category Cell In this case, =Left(G2,3) this is telling the file to take the first 3 letters of the column to the left. (You can change this depending on the location of the column you are trying to truncate)
After typing that in you can double click on the + in the bottom corner of the box
This will adjust the formula all the way down to every instance that category is populated.
After completing this step you will want to Save As - Name the file and select a csv file.
Click OPEN THE FILE BROWSER or drag and drop the csv file you had created and saved. Click NEXT.
Map the columns. This means, on the left you will see the column names from your csv/spreadsheet file. On the right, you see the inventory fields offered in Orchid POS. You will see any that match map automatically, but you can change if needed. Click NEXT.
Click VALIDATE then, when that is complete, IMPORT.
- The validation step looks for those existing part numbers and if any errors with the inventory or the spreadsheet are found, they will be displayed during this step.
- Validation happens on this tab; the tab must remain open during this process. Once the import begins, you can leave the tab and check Tools > Import for progress and status.