Managing Users in eBound

Managing Users in eBound

This program, printed documentation and documents should not be used as a substitute for professional advice in specific situations. The procedures, images and examples in this document are for illustrative purposes only and may not be applicable in your setting due to differences in preference, settings and/or state and local regulations.

eBound Book User Types and Access

The Orchid Advisor's eBound Book enables administrators to determine the Type of user and set individual user access levels for the Orchid Software Portal and by individual FFLs and eBound Books.

There are four User Types that may be assigned to any User.  The User Type defines the Users' level of control over system data and other Users. Note: By default, the User that created the Orchid Software Portal access account will be set as a Company Admin.

Manage FFLs/Bound Books
Add/Edit Users
Add/Edit User Permissions
Add/Edit eBound Book User Permissions
Company Admin
User Admin



Company Admins may add, edit, or delete FFLs/Bound Books, add or edit all FFLBizHub Users, determine access levels for all FFLBizHub Users and manage account and billing settings.
Company Admin Menu:

  1. Support Center: All Users may access the Support Center screen.
  2. Change Password: All Users may access the Change Password screen to update his/her account password.  Note: User must enter their current password in order to change their password.  If User does not know his/her current password, User must log out and follow the Reset Password link on the login screen.
  3. Account Settings: Company Admins may access the Account Settings screen to update billing settings, cancel services, and request changes to plan type(s).
  4. Manage Users: Company Admins may access the Manage Users screen to Add or Edit any User, including establishing which page(s) within the Orchid Software Portal a User may access, which FFL/eBound Book the User may access, and what specific transactions a User may execute within a particular FFL/eBound Book.
  5. Set eBound Book: All Users may access the Set eBound Book screen to access and/or update the eBound Book he/she is currently viewing. Note: User's ability to transact is determined by his/her User Permissions as assigned by the Company Admin.
User Admins may add or edit all Orchid Software Users and determine access levels for all Orchid Software Users. Note: User Admins may NOT add or change FFL/Bound Books or Account Settings, including billing information.
User Admin Menu:

  1. Support Center: All Users may access the Support Center screen.
  2. Change Password: All Users may access the Change Password screen to update his/her account password.  Note: User must enter their current password in order to change their password.  If User does not know his/her current password, User must log out and follow the Reset Password link on the login screen.
  3. Account Settings: User Admins may access the Account Settings screen to view billing settings and company information.
  4. Manage Users: User Admins may access the Manage Users screen to Add or Edit any User, including establishing which page(s) within the Orchid Software Portal a User may access, which FFL/eBound Book the User may access, and what specific transactions a User may execute within a particular FFL/eBound Book.
  5. Set eBound Book: All Users may access the Set eBound Book screen to access and/or update the eBound Book he/she is currently viewing. Note: User's ability to transact is determined by his/her User Permissions as assigned by the Company Admin.
Managers may edit access levels for Orchid Software Users already established. Note: Managers may NOT add or change FFL/Bound Books or Account Settings, including billing information and may only edit Users which have already been established for the FFL/Bound Books which Manager has access.
Manager Menu:

  1. Support Center: All Users may access the Support Center screen.
  2. Change Password: All Users may access the Change Password screen to update his/her account password.  Note: User must enter their current password in order to change their password.  If User does not know his/her current password, User must log out and follow the Reset Password link on the login screen.
  3. Manage Users: Managers may access the Manage Users screen to Edit a User that has already been established for an FFL/Bound Book to which Manager has been granted access. For the Users, Manager may establish which pages within the Orchid Software Portal a User may access and what specific transactions a User may execute within a particular FFL/Bound Book..
  4. Set eBound Book: All Users may access the Set eBound Book screen to access and/or update the eBound Book he/she is currently viewing. Note: User's ability to transact is determined by his/her User Permissions as assigned by the Company Admin.
Users may only edit his/her own password and set personal Default FFL/eBound Book.
User Menu:

  1. Support Center: All Users may access the Support Center screen.
  2. Change Password: All Users may access the Change Password screen to update his/her account password.  Note: User must enter their current password in order to change their password.  If User does not know his/her current password, User must log out and follow the Reset Password link on the login screen.
  3. Set eBound Book: All Users may access the Set eBound Book screen to access and/or update the eBound Book he/she is currently viewing. Note: User's ability to transact is determined by his/her User Permissions as assigned by the Company Admin.
User Permissions: A Company Admin, User Admin, or Manager may designate a User’s access to pages within the Orchid Software Portal and to which particular pages/transactions a User may access within the FFL/eBound Book. User Permissions maybe granted by page and/or transaction within the Orchid Software Portal and eBound Book application.

Permission Descriptions

Note: eBound Permissions can now be granted to each book by turning the toggle on for "Apply below permissions to all eBound Books?"

eBound Access

  1.  Total Access Toggle will grant full permissions to all selections.
  2. Operating Transactions 
    1. Serialize - Will allow the transaction within eBound
    2. Receive - Will allow the transaction within eBound
    3. FFL Transfer - Will allow the transaction within eBound
    4. Exempt Transfer - Will allow the transaction within eBound
    5. Assemble - Will allow the transaction within eBound
    6. Disassemble - Will allow the transaction within eBound
    7. Upload Transactions - Will allow the transaction within eBound
  3. Operating Reports
    1. API Error Log - This will grant access to our Error Log for all transactions sent through an API
    2. Item Detail - This is used to see individual serial history - You can use this to remove 4473 Reservations
    3. Online Sales - This is used to see online sales of serialized inventory
    4. Operations - This is used to generate customized Operation Reports
  4. Retail Transactions
    1. e4473 (Section A) Will allow the start of a 4473 in eBound
    2. e4473 (Section B) Will allow the customer input of Section B screen without Kiosk Mode being checked. (This will grant outside access into eBound for the customer if used. Please see below on how to setup a Kiosk User if you do not want access to other areas of eBound available to the customer.)
    3. Paper 443 - This will allow the use of Paper 4473 transactions to be used for dispositions
    4. Upload 4473 Transactions - This will allow the ability to upload 4473 transactions
    5. Upload Transactions - This will allow the ability to upload all Transactions into eBound
  5. Retail Reports
    1. e4473 (In Progress) - This will allow the ability to see all 4473's in progress
    2. e4473 (Completed) - This will allow the ability to see all 4473's that have been completed
    3. e4473 (Denied Only) - This will allow the ability to see all Denied Only 4473's
    4. Multiple Sales 3310.12 - This will allow the ability to see all 3310.12 Forms
    5. Multiple Sales 3310.4 - This will allow the ability to see all 3310.4 Forms
    6. Multiple Sales Review - This will allow the ability to generate manual 3310.12 & 3310.4 Forms 
  6. Special Transactions
    1. Assign Firearm - This will allow the ability to assign a firearm to a staff member
    2. Return Firearm - This will allow the ability to return an assigned firearm from a staff member
    3. Theft/ Loss - This will allow the ability to report a Theft/Loss Disposition in the bound book
    4. Found - This will allow the ability to report a Found Firearm and acquire it into the bound book
    5. Destroy - This will allow the ability to Destroy a firearm and disposition the serial from the bound book
    6. Correct - This will allow the ability to Correct a serial number in the bound book, this will allow any change to the record, including ATF Attributes, acquisition and disposition information
    7. Bulk Correct - This will allow the ability to correct up to 1000 records, or remove transactions from the bound book
  7. Special Reports
    1. Open Assignments - This will allow the ability to view any Open Assignments to Staff Members
    2. Assignment History - This will allow the ability to view any Assignment History to Staff Members
    3. Corrections Log - This will allow the ability to view the Correction Log Report
  8. FFL Management 
    1. Part Master - This will grant access to the Part Master
    2. Customer Master - This will grant access to the Customer Master
    3. Vendor Master - This will grant access to the Vendor Master
    4. Upload Master Data - This will grant access to uploading all Master Data
    5. Serial Number Inventory Tool - This will grant access to SNIT for serialized inventory stocktaking
  9. FFL Reports
    1. My FFL Expiration - This will allow the ability to view My FFL Expiration Report
    2. Customer FFL Expiration - This will allow the ability to view the Customer Expiration Report
    3. Vendor FFL Expiration - This will allow the ability to view the Vendor Expiration Report
  10. Search Queries
    1. Bound Book - Access to the Bound Book (Both NFA and NON-NFA are included in the bound book, just separated for easy filtering with below permission)
    2. Bound Book (NFA Only) - Access to the NFA Bound Book
    3. On Hand Firearms - Access to running a report for just On Hand Serialized Inventory
    4. On Hand Firearms (NFA Only) - Access to generating a report for just NFA On Hand Serialized Inventory
    5. Inventory Location - Access to generating a report for all locations of serialized inventory
    6. Multi-Book Search - Access to generating a report for a Multi-Book search. 
    7. ATF Traces - Access to generating ATF Traces for serialized disposition information
    8. ATF NTC Reports - This will grant access to viewing an automated NTC report for the ATF
    9. Access Prior Report - This will grant access to seeing all prior reports that have been generated for export

IM Access

Orchid IM Access is found on the third tab of the Edit User Screen.
This will require that you select either an Inventory Manager or Inventory Control, with at least one home location set.
  1. Inventory Manager 
    1. This grants access to all locations, with one Home Location set. 
  2. Inventory Control
    1. This will grant the user only access to the locations that are selected from the dropdown list. This is populated with the department and locations that are already created in Orchid IM. 

Creating User Accounts

Note: Only Company Admin or User Admin level users may create accounts within the system.
  1.  Log in to the Orchid Software Portal using credentials for the Company Admin or User Admin account
  2. Click the name displayed in the upper right corner, then select Manage Users from the drop down menu
  3. Click the Add User button in the upper right corner of the Users screen
  4. The New User popup screen will appear.  Enter the Email Address, First Name, and Last Name for the user you wish to create
  5. If applicable, select whether the new User will be a Company AdminUser Admin, or Manager.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the popup screen and click Save
After clicking Save, the Users page will refresh, and display information for the User that was just added.

The new Users' site access and FFL/eBound Book permissions must now be set.  Click on eBound Access on the top of the pop up.

1. Select the Default Bound Book for the user
2. Select which book you would like to grant permissions to, or turn the toggle on for "Apply Permissions to all eBound Books?"

3. For each eBound Book, you may indicate if a User may access this book, as well as which pages/transactions within the system the User may access. Click Save to proceed and edit user or click Cancel to abandon any changes. 

After completion of the above steps, and email will immediately be sent to your new user with a link allowing him/her to complete the creation of their Orchid eBound account.

Editing User Accounts

1. Log in using credentials for the Company Admin or User Admin account
2. Click the name displayed in the upper right corner, then select Manage Users from the drop-down menu
3. Click the email address of the user to be edited in the User List
4. The Edit User popup screen will now display.  Make any necessary changes, then click Save to save changes, or Cancel to abandon the changes
5. After clicking Save, the Users page will refresh, and display the updated User Accounts.
Note: Any changes made in the Password field will overwrite the previously established password.

Creating an ATF User

1. Log in using credentials for the Company Admin or User Admin account

2. Click the name displayed in the upper right corner, then select Manage Users from the drop-down menu

3. Click ATF User at the top of the Manage User Page

4. Enter in the Name and email address for the new ATF User and click Add New User

5. Search that email address in the Manage User page to assign specific Bound Book's to their profile. 

6. The Edit User popup screen will now display.  Make any necessary changes, then click Save to save changes, or Cancel to abandon the changes

7. After clicking Save, the Users page will refresh, and display the updated User Accounts.

Creating an e4473 Kiosk User

To create an e4473 kiosk account, follow the above steps for creating an account, and leave the Admin Type check boxes blank..  Once the account is created, click the email address under the Email heading to set the account permissions.

1. Click on eBound Access Tab on the top of the pop up.
2. Ensure that the proper default bound book is set.
3. If multiple books you can apply permissions to all books.
4. Check the box for Kiosk User. (This only allows access to Section B, no access to the Dashboard will be seen, after login)

5. Click Save to save the User permissions or click Cancel to abandon the changes.

An email will be sent to the address used to create the account, follow the instructions in the email to finish setting up the account.  Save this login information, as you will be using it for your e4473 Kiosk.

Creating an Automated Backup User

To create an Automated Backup User account, follow the above steps for creating an account, and leave the Admin Type check boxes blank.  Once the account is created, click the email address under the Email heading to set the account permissions.

1. Under the heading Available Applications, turn the toggle to on for E-Bound.
2. Go to eBound Access Tab at the top of the screen and select the default Bound Book.
3. If access should be granted to all books, you can turn the toggle on for "Apply below permissions to all eBound Books?"
4. Under Search Queries, turn the toggle on for Access Prior Reports.
5. Click Save to save the User permissions, or click Cancel to abandon the changes.

An email will be sent to the address used to create the account, follow the instructions in the email to finish setting up the account.  Save this login information, as you will be using it for your Automated Backup account.

Archiving Users

1. Log in using credentials for the Company Admin 
2. Click the name displayed in the upper right corner, then select Manage Users from the drop-down menu
3. Click the email address of the user to be edited in the User List
4. Click on Archive User

5. Pop Up will display asking "Are you sure you want to archive this user?"
6. Select Yes or No
7. You can now see this user if you change the User Status to View Archived or All
8. If you wish to reactivate a user, filter to find the user and click on the email address, and click on Reactivate User

Note: You cannot archive yourself, and you cannot archive the only company admin on the account

For instructions on how to set up Automated Backup downloads, please see our article on 2016-1 Compliance.

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