Orchid eFFL API Doc

Orchid eFFL API Doc

Orchid eFFL API Documentation   




Search all FFLs and return associated details

Search for a single FFLs by number and return associated details

Search for a single FFLs by name and return associated details

Search for a single FFLs with multiple parameters and return associated details



Endpoint 1 - Search all FFLs and return associated details




Poll Orchid for a list of all current FFLs, associated eStorage uploads and eBound customer master file details.



The request should be made using the `GET` method.





Url Parameters



Body Parameters



Example Request

curl --location https://app.fflbizhub.com/api/fflMasterSearch/ezcheck --header "X-Api-Auth-Token: 453628d1-a0cd-413a-b2b1-dad250212345"



See end of document. It is common to all searches.


Endpoint 2 - Search for a single FFLs by number and return associated details




Poll Orchid for a list of a single FFL by number, associated eStorage uploads and eBound customer master file details.



The request should be made using the `GET` method.





Url Parameters

partialFfl: FFL number (first three, last five) ex: 32156789


Body Parameters



Example Request

curl --location https://app.fflbizhub.com/api/fflMasterSearch/ezcheck?partialFfl=33703962 --header "X-Api-Auth-Token: 453628d1-a0cd-413a-b2b1-dad250212345"



See end of document. It is common to all searches.


Endpoint 3 - Search for a single FFLs by name and return associated details




Poll Orchid for a list of FFLs by name, associated eStorage uploads and eBound customer master file details.



The request should be made using the `GET` method. 





Url Parameters

fflName: FFL’s name


Body Parameters



Example Request

curl --location https://app.fflbizhub.com/api/fflMasterSearch/ezcheck?fflName=lipsey --header "X-Api-Auth-Token: 453628d1-a0cd-413a-b2b1-dad250212345"



See end of document. It is common to all searches.


Endpoint 4 - Search for a single FFLs with multiple parameters and return associated details




Poll Orchid for a list of FFLs with multiple parameters, associated eStorage uploads and eBound customer master file details.



The request should be made using the `GET` method. 





Url Parameters

Partial FFL – First 3 last 5 digits (ex: 12356789)

FFLName - Customer's name, could be a partial string (ex: my ffl)

ZipCode – US zip code of physical address (ex: 75002)

Page Number – Page Number to return (ex: 1)

Page size – Number of records to return per page (ex: 10)


If you’re going to get a big set of data, we strongly recommend using pagination.


Body Parameters



Example Request

curl --location "https://app.fflbizhub.com/api/fflMasterSearch/ezcheck?partialFfl=57412334&fflName=lipsey&zipCode=78641&pageNumber=1&pageSize=1000" --header "X-Api-Auth-Token: 453628d1-a0cd-413a-b2b1-dad250212345"



See end of document. It is common to all searches.


Common Response   


The response body will contain a list of FFL objects.




"fflNumber": "999003015K38910",                           From ATF DB

"fflId": "99938910",                                                   From ATF DB, shortened to first 3, last 5

"licenseName": "TAO, HERBERT T",                                  From ATF DB

"businessName": "SEANS RELOADING",              From ATF DB

"fflExpirationDate": "October 2025",                        From ATF DB

"fflCurrent": "True",                                                   From ATF DB based on date code

"loaIssueDate": "08142007",                                      From ATF DB

"loaExpirationDate": "02132008",                             From ATF DB

"premiseStreet": "98-1736 IPUALA LOOP",                        From ATF DB

"premiseCity": "AIEA",                                             From ATF DB

"premiseState": "HI",                                                 From ATF DB

"premiseZipCode": "96701",                                      From ATF DB

"mailingStreet": "98-1736 IPUALA LOOP",            From ATF DB

"mailingCity": "AIEA",                                                          From ATF DB

"mailingState": "HI",                                                  From ATF DB

"mailingZip": "96701",                                               From ATF DB

"fflOnFile": false,                                                       From Orchid eStorage file upload

"notes": null,                                                               From Orchid eBound customer master file

"custStreet": null,                                                        From Orchid eBound customer master file

"custCity": null,                                                          From Orchid eBound customer master file

"custState": null,                                                         From Orchid eBound customer master file

"custZip": null,                                                           From Orchid eBound customer master file

"approvedToShip": null,                                             From Orchid eBound customer master file

"customerNumber": null,                                            From Orchid eBound customer master file

"customerId": 0,                                                          From Orchid eBound customer master file

"shipMailingAddressOnly": null,                               From Orchid eBound customer master file

"nfaFormControlNumber": null,                                From Orchid eStorage file upload

"nfaFormType": null,                                                 From Orchid eStorage file upload

"sotControlNumber": null,                                         From Orchid eStorage file upload

"sotExpirationDate": null,                                          From Orchid eStorage file upload

"transactionNote": null,                                              From Orchid eStorage file upload

"creationDate": "2023-07-06T02:44:37.887",                        From first posting to Orchid FFL DB

"modifyDate": null                                                     From first modification to Orchid FFL DB




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