Q1S4.25 Release Notes – All Products
This program, printed documentation and documents should not be used as a substitute for professional advice in specific situations. The procedures, images and examples in this document are for illustrative purposes only and may not be applicable in your setting due to differences in preference, settings and/or state and local regulations.
Orchid eState
Weekly Legislative Updates
The time of the email distribution, containing the weekly legislative updates has been moved from Saturday morning, to Friday afternoon, EST.
Orchid Firearm Sales Portal
No updates in this release.
Orchid eFFL eCommerce Locator API
No updates in this release.
Orchid eBound
Asset Validation Form
A new form has been added at the bottom of the FFL Management menu to eBound that allows each Company to create a custom firearm ‘asset validation form’. Accessible to Company Admins only, the form includes an HTML editable header, employee attestation and footer area that will regenerate with each use for a company-specific identity. The form also makes use of the company logos that are added to the Account Settings area of eBound. Once the one-time setup is complete, users can cut and paste on-hand serial numbers that have been ‘loaned’ to employees (per Ruling 2010-1), and instantly generate a form that would require the assignee to attest to their control of the firearm. The form is ideally used with offsite employees in traveling sales or engineering roles.
Orchid IM
Various performance enhancements were made throughout Orchid IM, to improve user access security, form drop down / type aheads, and the searchability of reports by location and employee.
Seeking More Beta Customers – GunBroker.com Integration
Previously, we announced the launch of a Beta program, whereby Orchid eBound users can post inventory to GunBroker.com through our integration partner TrashPanda. There is no cost for this integration, and we are seeking early beta customers. If you are interested, please reach out to the Coriolis Agency, the owners of TrashPanda. Note, Orchid POS users should wait for our forthcoming integration, direct from Orchid POS to GunBroker.com. That is expected to be released in Beta on March 3.
Coming Soon
State Law Controls - Manually force delay of firearm transfer per state laws.
Orchid eCommerce
Product Category and Product Page Speeds
We have completed the first of two rounds of speed enhancements to Orchid eCommerce. The first enhancement optimizes the display of product categories on the product pages, speeding up the overall experience. Our second round of enhancement will address the entire website, utilizing more modern server and local browser caching for instant page loads.
Added New Site Builder Functions – Content Manager & Customer Reviews
You now have the option to showcase customer product reviews directly on your site. Additionally, we've introduced new features, including content templates and staff pages, all conveniently accessible under the Online tab.
Shout Out - We would like to WELCOME the new Orchid eCommerce clients who have gone live in the last two months.
Orchid POS
Important Update on Recurring Memberships & Surcharge Functionality
Customers who process recurring membership payments should continue using the hand-key method for credit card entry. This ensures proper automated rebilling of your clients. Later this week, we will introduce new functionality—recently made available by our payment processor—that will enable the use of card swipes for recurring membership billing. Until this technology is deployed, recurring charges will not be processed correctly if captured via swipe.
Additionally, recurring membership billing and surcharge functionality are only available through First American Payment Systems (FAPS). If you are processing payments through FiServ / CardConnect or Global / TSYS, these features will not be supported unless you migrate to FAPS.
For any questions or assistance with migration, please contact our support team.
SOT Indicators
NEW! Similar to the FFL red and green indicators we are happy to announce SOT indicators are now available. By adding SOT documents to the FFL in eDoc’s, the indicators will update accordingly, showing whether the SOT is on file and whether it is current or expired. These indicators can now be found throughout the POS, including FFL transfers, purchase orders, and vendor profiles.
Invoice Enhancements
Invoices have been enhanced, now including the FFL number under the Ship To section.
Label Configuration
Several fixes and improvements have been made to label customization. A bug that automatically altered label configurations has been corrected. Label customization settings are now available in Store Settings, allowing you to configure and personalize them as needed. A future enhancement will allow users to make headers optional and increase the overall character limit on labels.
POS eBound Monitor
The eBound monitor, found under the Comply tab in the POS, has been improved to better reflect the eBound API error log. If an item fails to post to eBound, it will be recorded in both the API error log and the eBound monitor. The POS will also display a red notification and a red bubble indicator when an error requires attention.
Click-to-Pay Templates
Additional email templates have been added to all POS instances specifically for Click-to-Pay transactions. These new templates can be found in the Notification Templates section under Email Settings in Store Configuration. The new templates include AR Payment Login OTP, AR Payment Reminder, and AR Payment Request, all of which are necessary for Click-to-Pay transactions.
Important Note on Catalog Resyncs and Manufacturer
For catalog resync, an additional warning has been added when choosing to sync the manufacturer. Enabling the Manufacturer Sync Toggle may alter the POS manufacturer name, which could cause discrepancies with the bound book. It is important to compare the POS manufacturer name with the eBound manufacturer name to ensure accuracy for on-hand inventory.
Bug Fixes:
An issue where invoice amounts varied between the POS invoice view and the customer receipt has been corrected. Both views will now reflect the same amount consistently.
Coming Soon:
Shout Out - We would like to WELCOME the new Orchid POS clients who have gone live in the last two months.
Orchid eSerial, Armor Piercing Book, FEL Book
No updates in this release.
Orchid eBoundTM and Related Apps
Orchid POSTM and Orchid eCommerceTM
For questions or additional information, please submit tickets through the Orchid Online Support Center.