Q1S5.24 Release Notes- Orchid POS/eComm™

Q1S5.24 Release Notes- Orchid POS/eComm™

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Q1S5.24 Release Notes 

This program, printed documentation and documents should not be used as a substitute for professional advice in specific situations. The procedures, images and examples in this document are for illustrative purposes only and may not be applicable in your setting due to differences in preference, settings and/or state and local regulations.

Orchid POS and Orchid eCommerce


The following features are currently in beta testing and should be released by March 1. 

  1. Live integration to Guns.com and Gunstores.com 
  2. Posting of inventory asset balances from Orchid POS to QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks online.
  3. Completely rebuilt reporting with visual business intelligence and the ability to generate custom reports on the fly. A sample of the new format can be found in the Monies Received Report
  4. Completely redesigned course and training modules

Current Releases

Admin Control over Orchid eBound Integration

As a safety measure we have implemented a control feature for turning off the Orchid eBound integration toggle with a logging feature. This is to ensure that only an administrator can change this toggle and it will be logged into a report on the Integrations page. We have also included a message that will display on all pages of the POS when this integration is turned off. This is to ensure that any transactions that are completed with the integration turned off, provide a warning. 

Compliance Related Warnings

As an additional prudent measure, a red warning bar will display across the top of the screen if a user ever disables the integration between Orchid POS and Orchid eBound. We have also implemented notices on all firearm related screens to denote that if the non-firearm tag is assigned to that product, that it will not post to the bound book. 

QuickBooks Error Mitigation

We have also implemented a new error screen and preview that will allow you to see what is exported out of the POS so you can make any corrections needed to ensure that each account is updated properly. 

Credit Card Types

We have updated our Credit Card Type screen found in the table editor. This no longer requires a prefix to establish a new card type

Taxonomy Updates and QuickBooks Mapping

Several users ran into an issue when attempting to change the taxonomy associated with products, this caused an issue with the mapping that was setup with the items for the QuickBooks export. To alleviate this, we implemented a feature that requires that you re-map any subcategories that you want to delete that carry a stock quantity. After remapping the items that are included in the deleted subcategory, it will automatically update the products in the subcategory to the new subcategory and update the mapping for QuickBooks. 

Selective Sync for Catalog Imports

To simplify the process of updating your inventory provided by the catalogs we have included a selective sync option which allows you to update your inventory and select individual areas to update. This includes Part Number, Vendor Part Number, Vendor, Manufacturer, Categories, Retail Price, Cost, Price-Map, Case QTY, Model, Firearm Type, Is Firearm, Caliber/Gauge, Barrel Length, Overall Length, Action, Cartridge, Magazine, Magazine Attachment Location, Magazine Capacity, Magazine Ammo Type, Size, Color-Primary, Color-Secondary, Color-Accent, Description-Primary, Description-Auxillary, Description-Website, Website Part Title, Images and non-inventoried items. 

Ability to save Taxonomy Mapping on New Catalog Imports

We have now added the ability to save your Taxonomy Mapping after you set this for one import. You can use this saved file to import your mapping for the rest of the catalogs that you import in lieu of individually mapping each Category and Subcategory. 

Commission by Role and Enhanced Reporting

We’ve enhanced our sales commission functions to allow users to apply a commission level by employee role. This also includes a new filter on the report to exclude any House Account sales that have open balances due. 

PO Freight Toggle

We’ve added a toggle to the Setup Options page that allows an account owner to force users to add a value to the PO receipt freight amount. Please note that zero ($0) is also a valid option. 

Receiving Serial Numbers

We have added a toggle to the setup page that allows you to receive multiple serial numbers into the serial number field. This change will allow you to scan multiple serial numbers into the box instead of having to move to each serial number line. 

Gift Cards

We have also added the subcategory field to the Gift Card Part Number so you can specifically map each card individually for QuickBooks. 

Bulk Update to Vendors in the Manage Product Screen

You can now use the Bulk Update feature to replace/add Vendors to products in the manage products page.

Update to Part Number Verbiage

We have implemented a change to Manufacturer Part Number and Vendor Part Number across all screens, so they are all clearly notated. Manufacturer Part Number, MFG Part Number, MFG PN or MPN have been used to denote the same number. Vendor Part Number, Vend Part Number and Vend PN have all been used to denote the same number.  

Reports are currently in progress of being redesigned

You will notice that the reports are now grouped together in the same format as our Setup Options page. This was to simplify user ability over finding the relative report they are looking for. We are currently working on transitioning to a new report mechanism that will help provide more customization and be more user friendly. 

Extended Cost is now included as an option in the Report Builder.

eCommerce Order Notifications

We have now added an option in CPanel to exclude the POS owner account from receiving all order notification emails. This can be found under Preferences in the CPanel

OTP for returning Guest Sales

If a returning consumer enters your website and is prompted to sign in, they now have the option to use a One Time Password in lieu of their password. This can be completed by the consumer with either an email or a text message, if they are using the same phone number they previously entered during checkout. 

Consignment Update

Users can now enter up to two decimal places into their consignment fee if using a percentage. 

Physical Inventory Tool Updates

The Physical inventory tool will now include Extended Cost in the Inventory History report and include this information on the screen for each user to see the discrepancy before posting their count results. 

Course Updates

The course module has been updated; we have included the subcategory field to all courses that are created. This will allow specific mapping in QuickBooks. We have also added the ability to import Courses, Reservations, and sessions. There is now a template that you can find on the Tools Import Page

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