Ecommerce Support Guide

Ecommerce Support Guide

Ecommerce Functionality within POS BackOffice

Training Session Recording

Watch a training session that covers all of the information included in this guide and additional functionality.

Product Management 

  1. Login to your POS and navigate to the BackOffice
  2. On the Top menu, select ‘Inventory’
  3. Select  Manage Inventory > Manage Products

Pro Tips:

To better help manage your e-commerce products, click on “Customize Visibility” and enable these options:
    • Orchid eComm Visibility - Filter to see what products are currently listed on/off your website

    • Product with Images - Filter to see which products have/don’t have images

    • Show Products with Variants - Filter to see all products included/not included within a variant group


To add multiple products to your website at once, use the e-commerce bulk actions.
  1. Switch your “View” from “Standard” to “StoreFront,” see image below
  2. Use the various dropdown filters to narrow down which products you want to add to your website. For example, maybe you only want to add products from a specific category that are in stock.
  3. Select the products to add by clicking the checkbox to the left of the product description or click the checkbox next to "Bulk Actions" to select all products.
  4. Select "Turn On Orchid eComm Visibility" or select "Turn off..." to remove products from your website.

 Adding Products To The Website Individually 

  1. Search for a products and click that part number to display the product attributes.
  2. Navigate to the sales channel tab

  3. Set Orchid eComm visibility to “On”

  4. Click save

  5. Personalize title, description, SEO and product images

 Adding Multiple Products To The Website

  1. Filter products from the main manage products page and ensure your table view is set from “standard” to “storefront”

  2. Click the checkbox to the left of the product details for the product(s) that you want to add to the website

  3. Click “Bulk Actions” and select “Turn On Orchid eComm Visibility”


 Setup Product Variations

You can set up product variants like sizes and colors for each product. Make sure that each you have individual part numbers / barcodes for each individual variation. For example, if you want to setup a variant for a T-shirt so that website users can choose between a small and a large shirt, there should be 2 products listed in your POS with individual part numbers.

  1. Filter products from the main manage products page and ensure your table view is set from “standard” to “storefront”

  2. Click the checkbox to the left of the product details for the product(s) that you want to combine into a variant group. 

  3. Click “Bulk Actions” and select “Create Product Variant”

  4. Create the Attribute and the Options for each attribute. You can add up to 3 different attributes.

  5. Link the variant options to their respective part numbers, see example below.



 Login into your CPanel 

Temporary Login

Login to your cpanel by going to the website url that has been provided to you and type /cpanel at the end url. Ex:

Live Domain Login

Once your website is live with your domain, login to the cpanel by adding /cpanel to your website url. Ex:


Your username will be sent to you by your project manager after your e-commerce training session. Typically usernames are the first letter of the account owners first name followed by their last name. The first two letters are capitalized. Ex: JSmith


Use the same password that you use to login to your POS system. Important note: If you change your POS password, your cpanel password will also change.


 Editing content on the page 

Click on the page that you want to modify and edit the content using the text editor.

    • To change an image, double-click on the image to see the option to upload a new image.

    • To edit a button or link URL, double-click on the button to see the url option.


 Editing Automatic Pop-up 

You can edit the content of the popup that shows as soon as someone enters your online page. You can also schedule an automatic start date and an end date, perfect to run special sales announcements. 

Pro Tip:

Click inside the image box to add a custom image or graphic to your popup and use the link field to add a url to the image you upload.

Important Note:

This is not the same as the Age Gate Popup. If you want a popup to ask if a user is above 18 years old, you have to check the “Age Gate Popup” option under Preferences. 


Galleries are a way for you to upload organize images into a slider that can be added to different pages on your website or serve as a standalone image gallery. You can create as many galleries as you want for your website. 

  1. Under Media, click on Gallery > Upload Pictures to begin uploading images

  2. Name the Album and be sure to publish the gallery when complete

  3. After the images are uploaded, copy the “Page Slider Shortcode”. Paste the Shortcode on the page and on the page’s location you want the gallery to show.  


If you want to create a standalone gallery for users to view, copy the “Gallery Public URL.” This generates a URL for users to go to with all of your images displaying in a grid layout.  




As a Default, there are 5 available shipping options: Free, Flat Rate, Price Based, Pickup In Store and Local Delivery.

    • Free Shipping - Set a minimum order amount and when the users cart total is equal or greater than that amount they will be offered free shipping. Select which states this offer is applicable in.

    • Flat Rate - Regardless of the cart total or how many items are in the cart set a flat rate that will alway charge users the same amount for shipping

    • Price Based - Use the cart total to determine the shipping price. Setup your own priced based shipping formula by using “Cart Total” + “:” + “Shipping Amount.” Use a comma to add additional values. Important note: The system will set shipping costs to $0.00 whenever the cart total is greater than the largest value specified.

      • Ex. 50:10.99, 100:19.99, 1000:29.99

      • This example can interpreted as: when the cart total is less than $50 than shipping will cost $10.99. When the cart total is less than $100 but greater than $50 than shipping will cost $19.99. And when the cart total is less than $1000 but greater than $100 than shipping will cost $29.99. When the cart total is greater than $1000 will charge $0.00 for shipping costs.

    • Pickup In Store - Allows the customer to choose to pickup the product in your store and to display custom pickup instructions that the user will see at checkout.

    • Local Delivery - Local delivery option that utilizes priced based formulas and a custom note for users to see at checkout.

There’s a 6th option that can be accessed by setting up a ShipStation account and integrating with your POS. This option offers shipping by weight, product size and select carriers. For more information see the ShipStation guide here:


Product Groups

Product groups have 3 distinct features, they allow you to:

  1. Make a custom menu structure on your shop page

  2. Create product group landing pages.

  3. Display products on your home page  

Custom Menu Structure Ex

Product Group Landing Page ex.



Product Group Used To Display Live Products On Home Page Ex.

How To Add A Product Group

To create a product group click, “Add Product Group”


After the group is created, you need to set conditions so that products can get added into the group. There are two options:

  1. Manually Conditions

  2. Automatically Conditions

If you select manual conditions, you can individually add products to the product group from your POS BackOffice. Once the group is created, located the product in POS BackOffice, and in “Sales Channel” scroll down to "Product Group." Click on the dropdown and then select the product group you created to add the product to that group.

Pro Tip: Using manual conditions is particularly useful if you want to select what products appear on your home page. While logged into the Cpanel, go to Theme Editor and click "Homepage - Featured Products." Choose your product group that you created with manual conditions setup and then all of the products that you add to this group will appear on your home page.


If you select automatic conditions, you can set one or more conditions and all the products that meet those conditions will automatically be added to the group. 

If you select “all conditions” then all of the conditions set must be true for a product to display within the group. If you select “any condition” only one of the conditions must be true for a product to display within the group. 


To create a parent group/dropdown, just drag the subgroup so it lands within the parent group:


 Editing product group image 

1) Select which Product Group you would like to change

2) Click on the image

3) Select and upload the new image.
For a better display, select an image that is 600px by 600px. You can use Canva to resize your images:
  Using Canva to resize images:
1) Create a free account on
2) Click on "Create a design", then select "Custom Size" and type the measurements.

3) Click on "Upload" and upload your image
4) Select the image uploaded
5) Resize the image adjusting to the canvas size.
6) Click on "Share"
7) Select "Download"

 Adding Product Variants: 

For every product variation, you need to have an individual produts in the PSO.
For example, if you are selling a bag that has three  color variantes, you will need three products on the POS system (Bag White, Bag Black, Bag Red).
Select all of the products, then on "Bulk Actions", click on "Create Product Variants"

On the new screen,, make sure to

1) add the variants on the Attribute Options

2) Sync the variant to the product

If you click on the gear symbol right next to the Attibutes Options, you can select how the attributes will appear: all caps, lower case or capitalized.
Click on "Create" to save your changes.
To edit existing variantes, access Inventory - Manage Product Variants.

Editing your Navigation (Menu)

To edit your top menu, access Appearance -> Navigation on the left side of the screen. Here you can click and drag the toggle to the left of each menu item to rearrange the order of menu items.
Click "Add Menu" to make a new menu or "Edit Menu" to edit an existing menu

Once you create a new menu or editing an existing menu, click "Add Menu Item" to add a new menu item to the menu. Give your menu item a name and then choose a link option. Below is a list of the available link options:
  1. Home Page - Link to your home page.
  2. Page - Link to any of the custom pages that you have on your site and are found under the "Pages" module.
  3. Blog - Link to a specific blog landing page
  4. Product Group - Link to a specific product group landing page
  5. Course GroupLink to a specific course group landing page
  6. Sub Menu - Link to another menu to create a dropdown menu. Whenever the menu item is hovered over by your cursor, linked sub menu items will appear.
  7. Web Address - Link to an custom url. This url can be external ( or internal (
Pro Tip: Build all of your menu items in this screen, if you need to rearrange the menu items, go to the main navigation landing page to do so.


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